Category: Studies

  • My homework, post nr. 4

    This is the post for my homework with the subject “Digitalized Working Environment.” Finally, write three ‘pages’ about your thoughts and experiences into your blog. Remember to write a brief self-reflection, too. What did you learn from these assignments? Finnish e-systems Dealing with these projects has been incredibly illuminating. I have learned about the subtleties and complexity…

  • My homework, post nr. 3

    This is the post for my homework with the subject “Digitalized Working Environment.” “Write a self evaluation. What you learn and what you should know more about.” So, to make it funny and related to the previous point, I asked ChatGPT to parce my pages with answers and summarize everything. The outcome of ChatGPT here has…

  • My homework, post nr. 2

    This is the post for my homework with the subject “Digitalized Working Environment”. “Evaluate the risks of open digital society. Utilize the Data protection reform. On 2016 the general data protection regulation entered into force and it was applied from 2018. How it effects in your personal/working life? What positive and negative effects you can see…

  • My homework, post nr. 1

    This is the post for my homework with the subject “Digitalized Working Environment”. “Write your experiences so far of the digitalisation in your own field of expertise – and what are your future ideas. How the digitalization will change life and work in the future? Report main topics or conclusions and publish it in your…