
ChatGPT – is an advanced AI language model developed by OpenAI. It excels at understanding and generating human-like text, making it highly useful for various applications such as customer support, content creation, language translation, and tutoring. Leveraging vast amounts of data offers accurate and contextually relevant responses, enhancing communication and information retrieval.

It is a perfect tool for information parsing and collecting important data from specific places you need. It works pretty well with moderate mathematical calculations, but it is getting delusional if you go to complicated math or ask to generate an Excel file. From the linguistic side, it can give amazing summaries of articles and essays, which is beneficial if you choose sources and don’t want to read 15 pages of articles you actually don’t want to use and only check. Works well for basic texts and definitions generating, as, for example, I did on this page as well. 

To avoid stupid mistakes, you must be, if not an expert, at least have a basic understanding of a question you are working with. AI is lazy and will try to feed you generic text as soon as you rely too much on this, and it can make up facts and stories.

Great additions for AI writers are paraphrasers and spell checkers. For example, Grammarly and QuillBot

LinkedIn – a professional networking platform where users create profiles to showcase their skills, experience, and education. It facilitates job searching, recruitment, and professional networking. Businesses use LinkedIn for marketing and brand promotion, while professionals connect, share insights, and build their careers through networking and learning opportunities.

It is probably the only clean social network where you can see people’s corporate faces. Even while it gives a glance of business surrealism for all the people you know, this is an appropriate place to research organizations, look after people and their backgrounds, and contact them in a covinient and official form. 

Also, this is a great place if you are a bad guy and want to commit espionage against an organization and its people, as everyone voluntarily shares their skills, positions, and responsibilities, past and present. It can be a security issue for specific businesses like banking. I highly suggest learning more information in an amazing and funny YouTube video, or the longer video by the same test penetrator.

Instagram and Facebook (Meta). Instagram is a social media platform focused on photo and video sharing, featuring filters, stories, and reels for creative expression. Facebook is a comprehensive social networking site enabling users to connect, share updates, photos, and videos, join groups, and follow pages for a diverse social experience and community engagement.

Probably the best marketing in the world is to place your ad in Google Search because then you will get your customers when they Google an interesting term or definition. But doom-scrolling people who spend their time on social networks will be hooked by your creative videos and pictures on their favorite social networks.

Meta owns Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp, which gives you at least 2-3 billion users with precise information about their interests and preferences, which is a great marketing spurce. 

DeepL – an advanced AI-powered translation tool known for its high-quality and accurate translations. It supports multiple languages and offers features like dictionary suggestions and context-based translations. DeepL is widely used for professional and personal purposes, providing a reliable solution for language barriers in communication.

A great addition to all existing language translation services. Google Translate evolutionized around the time of pandemics and started offering high-level translations. However, many people report that DeepL is better in this field. That tool can provide great service for people who can’t speak at a top level and can’t validate the quality of the translation. However, even with level B2 in Finnish, being a native speaker of Estonian, I can even use free translation services to simulate almost perfect Finnish written text. ChatGPT can spell-check you as well. As Grammarly improved my English skills, DeepL and other similar services have improved my Finnish language skills. I barely had 60 academic hours of Finnish language courses since moving to Finland 2 years ago.

Anyone who wants to translate something from Livonian to Karelian is welcome to use The University of Tartu machine translation engine supporting various Finno-Ugric languages

Skype, Zoom, Teams, and Google Meet are popular video conferencing platforms. Skype offers video calls and messaging, while Zoom excels in virtual meetings and webinars. Microsoft Teams integrates with Office 365 for collaboration, while Google Meet provides seamless video conferencing within Google’s ecosystem, making remote communication and collaboration efficient and accessible.

In the dark and strange times of computer stone age, when I was 12 years old, I had no people in my contact list of Skype. Why should you use that if you can call them by phone? Today, almost no one calls you by the regular number except for scammers, mothers, or grandfathers, but we all use other services to connect. Especially in lockdown times when people decided to simulate the real lifestyle by being at home with their beloved, walking in the forest, and baking bread, conference calls industries came into our life. Skype has remained mostly a peer-to-peer calling service (I guess), but other services are perfect for conference and educational or business calls. Even when some people decided to return to offices sitting in the cage, our conference call systems remained growing, giving us more mobility. 

For secured connections, using something like Signal or Telegram is still good. The first one is appreciated by Estonian Special Forces (I have no other references), and the second one is by Chinese and Iranian immigrants who escaped came to Finland from their beloved homelands. Also, lightweight and multifunctional platform for everyday messaging and receiving interesting information.