My homework, post nr. 3

This is the post for my homework with the subject “Digitalized Working Environment.”

“Write a self evaluation. What you learn and what you should know more about.”

So, to make it funny and related to the previous point, I asked ChatGPT to parce my pages with answers and summarize everything. The outcome of ChatGPT here has not been modified, and I use it as it was.


What I Learned

  1. Digital Society: Explored the implications of a digital society, including the benefits and challenges of digital transformation. Learned about the influence of technology on various sectors and the need for adapting to rapid changes.
  2. GDPR and Data Protection: Gained a comprehensive understanding of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Learned about its impact on personal data security, the importance of privacy, and the balance between innovation and regulation.
  3. Cybersecurity: Studied the importance of cybersecurity in the digital age, understanding the common threats and the necessity for robust data protection measures.
  4. Technological Innovations: Examined future technological trends, such as AI and IoT, and their potential to transform industries and everyday life.

Areas to Know More About

  1. Advanced Cybersecurity Measures: Delve deeper into advanced cybersecurity techniques and tools to better protect data against evolving threats.
  2. Impact of GDPR on Small Businesses: Understand the specific challenges and strategies for small businesses to comply with GDPR without stifling innovation.
  3. Ethical Considerations of Big Data: Explore the ethical implications of big data, including issues of consent, transparency, and bias.
  4. Future Technologies: Stay updated on emerging technologies and their societal impacts, particularly in AI, IoT, and intuitive interfaces.

This self-evaluation highlights the progress made and identifies areas for further study to stay ahead in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.

So, it is pretty dry and limited, but it actually highlights what I have done. Paraphraser I used in my work makes texts human-like, but you can feel the soulless robotic nature of made-up texts or even paraphrased text. Various AI-checkers that are actually very unreliable will anger even on spell-checkers or texts without mistakes written by a native speaker.

Telling with my own words, I need to have a better intake of regulative acts and laws. You can get this experience whenever you work with any website compliance, writing privacy policies, return policies, cookie usage policies, etc. I am still far from being very good at that.